Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The beep test

Today I did the beep test. IT was  awesome because I bet my other high sore it was 10 and my other score was 15.7. Me and Rogan got the same as each.It was steaming hot so was hard. I felt proud of my safe because I beat Mr Cottrell sore that was 15. My goal next time is to get to 17


  1. You are fantastic at the beep test Aniela : )

  2. Well done Aniela! You & Rogan had the speed of time!
    It's like you two are the fastest in the school.
    Great job on beating Mr COttrell's score. You guys really hit it off on that!
    Keep up the great speed... of LIFE!

  3. Great work on the beep test Aniela beating Mr Cottrels score keep it up.A.K.A Smile :0 Yeah.
